Monday, February 27, 2012

Never Buy “Do It Yourself” Furniture

Every person that has a house has to have furniture. Of course, you could always sleep on the floor, eat while standing up, and put all your clothes in a pile on the floor. But, only a crazy person or someone with financial problems would choose to live that way. Since furniture is a necessity, people buy it in one of two ways. The most popular way which is also the smartest, is to buy the furniture pre-built.  The second way is to buy furniture in pieces and build it yourself. There are advantages and disadvantages to each.

Advantages of buying pre-built furniture:

1. You don’t have to build it yourself.
2. It’s built by professionals, which means it will be of high quality.
3. Usually, the furniture comes with a pretty good warranty.

Disandvantages of buying pre-built furniture:

1. It’s usually more expensive than buying it in pieces.

Advantages of buying furniture in pieces:

1. It’s usually less expensive than pre-built furniture.

Disadvantages of buying furniture in pieces:

1. You have to build it yourself which can take hours. It's also a good chance that you'll screw a little too tightly and break the wood. You could also lose important small pieces and ruin the whole thing.
2. It's not built by professionals, which means even when you build it without messing anything up, it will still most probably not be as good of quality as it would if made by a professional.
3. Usually, the warranty is nowhere near as good as a warranty for pre-built furniture. This is because the people that sold you the furniture know it's a good chance you're going to make a mistake and need to use the warranty.

In Summary

As you can see, buying furniture in pieces is not a good idea unless you’re very experienced. The reason I wrote this post is because I made the bad mistake buying a cabinet in pieces. It was a very bad experience. It took me hours to finish it and by the time I was done I was sore all over. I was sweating very bad and had drunk a full quart of powerade. And then, to make it worse, the cabinet appeared to be lopsided. I never figured out what made it be lopsided. Eventually, I ended up selling the cabinet and bought another one. This time, it was pre-built. So, maybe this will save someone from hours of torture.

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